College of Science and Mathematics
Faculty Directory
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Full Name | Title | Department |
Adams, Richard | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Amarasinghe, Dhanyu | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Amarasinghe, Rajee | Professor | Mathematics |
Amarasinghe, Tikiri | Lecturer | Mathematics |
White, Brandy | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Anglen, Brandy | Lecturer | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Anglen, John | Lecturer | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Attar, Saeed | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Bakhtiari, Farin | Assistant Professor | Psychology |
Balderama, Earvin | Assistant Professor | Mathematics |
Banerjee, Santanu | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Banuelos, Mario | Assistant Professor | Mathematics |
Bawa, Harinder Singh | Adjunct Professor | Physics |
Bencomo, Mario | Assistant Professor | Mathematics |
Berg, Otto | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Bishop, Michael | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Blumenshine, Steven | Professor | Biology |
Bohn, Stella | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Botwin, Michael | Professor | Psychology |
Brady, Mara | Associate Professor | Earth and Environemntal Sciences |
Brandl, Jeremy | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Brooks, Cory | Associate Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Brooks, Teresa | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Burger, Lance | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Bush, Jason | Professor | Biology |
Calderon-Urrea, Alejandro | Professor | Biology |
Caprau, Carmen | Professor | Mathematics |
Carrasco, Kelly | Assistant Professor | Psychology |
Carrasco, Andres | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Castrovillari, Alexandria | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Cecotti, Hubert | Associate Professor | Computer Science |
Chen, Mei | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Chen, Qiao-Hong | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Choi, Jai-Pil | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Chooljian, Karen | Lecturer | Biology |
Chung, Steve | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Ciula, James | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Closser, Kristina | Assistant Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Coffman, Stephanie | Lecturer | Biology |
Constable, Julie | Lecturer | Biology |
Constable, John | Professor | Biology |
Corsepius, Nicholas | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Cortney, Candice | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Cunningham, Daniel | Lecturer | Mathematics |
De Leon, Doreen | Professor | Mathematics |
Dejean, Laurent | Associate Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Delcroix, Stefaan | Professor | Mathematics |
Dhah-Powell, Harkiran | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Dial, Lauren | Assistant Professor | Psychology |
Donnelly-Hermosillo, Dermot | Associate Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Dundas, Robert | Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Dunia, Richard | Adjunct | Physics |
Durkee, Patrick | Assistant Professor | Psychology |
Edmondson, Christine | Professor | Psychology |
Elnaggar, Atif | Lecturer | Biology |
Esquierdo-Leal, Jovonnie | Assistant Professor | Psychology |
Fellows, Ingrid | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Ford, Kiersti | Lecturer | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Forgács, Tamás | Professor | Mathematics |
Gao, Yongsheng | Professor | Physics |
Garrett, Melissa | Associate Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Gherase, Mihai | Associate Professor | Physics |
Goto, Joy J. | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Gousset, Karine | Associate Professor | Biology |
Gray, Andrea | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Jimenez, John | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Hall, Raymond | Professor | Physics |
Hansen, Alexandria | Assistant Professor | Biology |
Harness, Steve | Lecturer | Physics |
Hasson, Alam | Associate Dean | College of Science and Mathematics |
Hawe, Nathan | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Hawker, Morgan | Assistant Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Heredia, Katie | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Herdman, Marc | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Hernandez, Samuel | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Herren, Brett | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Ho, Pei-Chun | Professor | Physics |
Hovhannisyan, Anahit | Lecturer | Biology |
Hua, Howard | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Inan, Nathan | Lecturer | Physics |
Jackson, Marianne | Professor | Psychology |
Jones, Constance | Professor | Psychology |
Kajetanowicz, Przemyslaw | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Kelm, Katherine | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Kelm, Travis | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Kendoyan, Sosse | Lecturer | Biology |
Kern, Ruth | Associate Professor | Biology |
Kerney, William Bill | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Kosloff, Spee | Professor | Psychology |
Krishnan, Krish | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Laar, Tricia Van | Assistant Professor | Biology |
Lachs, Lorin | Professor | Psychology |
Laha, Rumita | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Le, Diep | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Lent, David | Associate Professor | Biology |
Li, Ming | Professor | Computer Science |
Lin, Joseph | Lecturer | Biology |
Liu, Shih-Hsi Alex | Professor | Computer Science |
Maitra, Kalyani | Assistant Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Maitra, Santanu | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Markin, Marat | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Mcclelland, Angela | Lecturer | Biology |
Mejloumian, Panaela | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Meyer, Christopher | Dean | College of Science and Mathematics |
Miller, Chris | Professor | Psychology |
Mine, Aric | Assistant Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Mo, Mong Kon | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Modak, Sujoy | Adjunct | Physics |
Mohan, Archana | Lecturer | Biology |
Montgomery, Keeton | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Mortimer, Amanda | Professor | Psychology |
Muchalski, Hubert | Assistant Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Mujic, Alija | Assistant Professor | Biology |
Muller, Ulrike | Professor | Biology |
Muñoz, Gerardo | Professor | Physics |
Munshi, Kalyan | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Nakashian, Tina | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Naoum, Michelle | Lecturer | Biology |
Ng, Kin C. | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Ni, Hong | Professor | Psychology |
Pirouz Nia, Matin | Associate Professor | Computer Science |
Nogin, Maria | Professor | Mathematics |
Obeid, Lina | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Oka, Ganesh | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Newsome, Nicholas | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Oswald, Karl | Professor | Psychology |
Panagopoulos, Athanasios | Associate Professor | Computer Science |
Park, Jin H. | Professor | Computer Science |
Person, Eric C. | Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Pluhar, Christopher | Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Price, Paul | Professor | Psychology |
Putirka, Keith | Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Reece, Amber | Lecturer | Biology |
Reece, Joshua | Lecturer | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Renwick, Jon | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Richaud, Mathieu | Associate Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Riley, Larry | Professor | Biology |
Ringwald, Fred | Professor | Physics |
Ritter, Jean | Professor | Psychology |
Ross, Joseph | Associate Professor | Biology |
Roye, Michelle | Lecturer | Biology |
Ruby, David | Lecturer | Computer Science |
Runde, Karl | Lecturer | Physics |
Rutherford, Robert | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Thom, Nathan | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Shapiro, Martin | Professor | Psychology |
Sharps, Matthew | Professor | Psychology |
Singh, Mandeep | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Singleton, Douglas | Professor | Physics |
Slade, Joel | Assistant Professor | Biology |
Somayajulu, Ravi | Lecturer | Mathematics |
de Souza, Comlan | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Tamayo, Rachel | Lecturer | Biology |
Tamras, Sammy | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Thackrey, Michael Misha | Professor | Psychology |
Tofan, Antonina | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Toro, Rosa | Professor | Psychology |
Tovar, Danny | Lecturer | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Tran, Khang | Associate Professor | Mathematics |
Tsukimura, Brian | Professor | Biology |
Tuska, Agnes | Professor | Mathematics |
Uchida, Masaki | Assistant Professor | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Vacaru, Sergiu | Adjunct | Physics |
Vang, Justin | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Vazquez, Salvador | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Vega, Oscar | Professor | Mathematics |
Vitali, Ettore | Assistant Professor | Physics |
Wakabayashi, John | Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Walter, Emily | Assistant Professor | Biology |
Wang, Zhi | Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Waselkov, Katherine | Assistant Professor | Biology |
Weidlich, Georg | Adjunct | Physics |
Weinman, Beth | Associate Professor | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Whalen, William | Lecturer | Biology |
White, Brandy | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
White, Steve | Professor | Physics |
Williams, Don | Lecturer | Physics |
Wilson, Alyssa | Associate Professor | Psychology |
Wilson, Todd | Professor | Computer Science |
Woo, Ellen | Professor | Psychology |
Workman-Ford, Kerry | Lecturer | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Wright, Alice | Professor | Biology |
Wu, Ke | Professor | Mathematics |
Xiong, Pahoua | Lecturer | Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Yang, David | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Yaomingxin, Lu | Assistant Professor | Mathematics |
Yeung, Antonia | Lecturer | Mathematics |
Youn, Hwan | Professor | Biology |
Zhang, Daqing | Associate Professor | Physics |