College of Science and Mathematics
Zhi "Luke" Wang
Earth and Environmental Sciences | 559-278-4427 | Office: S2 121 | Spring 2025 Office Hours - On Sabbatical
Ph.D., Hydrology and Soil Physics, Institute for Land and Water Management, University of Leuven, Belgium
M.S., Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Northwest A & F University, China
B.S., Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, China
Courses Taught
- EES 4: Environmental Science
- EES 108: Soil and Water Science
- EES 112: Earth System History
- EES 117: Hydrogeology
- EES 177: Quantitative Methods for Earth Science
- EES 178: Geostatistics
- EES 180: Computer Applications in Geology
- EES 186: Environmental GIS
- EES 211: Fundamentals of GIS
- EES 217T: Contaminant Hydrology
- EES 217T: Unsaturated Zone Hydrology
- EES 220: Groundwater Hydrology
- EES 265: Hydrology Systems
- NSCI 115: Environmental Earth and Life Science
Dr. Zhi Wang is a Professor of Hydrology and Soil Physics. His research and scholarly
activities are focused on water resources management, surface hydrology, groundwater
hydrology (hydrogeology), soil physics, irrigation engineering and GIS applications.
His peer-reviewed publications can be found in Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology and other water-related journals (see some of the better cited English publications
on Google Scholar). Dr. Wang's research has been funded by US Natural Science Foundation (NSF), US
Department of Defense, California Water Quality Control Board, and California Department
of Water Resources, etc.
For more information, please click "Areas of Expertise / Research Interests" and "Scholarship" tabs.
Complete CV (PDF file)
- Hydrology and Soil Physics - movement and storage of water and solutes in the hydrologic cycle, variably-saturated and saline soils
- Soil Quality Assessment - Development of soil quality indices (SQI) and evaluation of soil quality for agricultural and other purposes based on soil survey data
- Dryland Hydrology – hydrology of dew, soil water and limited rainfall; soil, water, native plant and animal interactions in arid and semi-arid regions
- Post-fire Hydrology – wildfire effects on soil wettability (or hydrophobicity), soil and water erosion
- Watershed Hydrology and Groundwater Hydrology (hydrogeology) - water flow and solute transport
- Climate Change – focused on its effects on hydrological processes, water resources, agriculture and ecosystems
- GIS Applications - in natural sciences and all other possible areas
- Hydraulic and Irrigation Engineering – more on irrigation scheduling and technology
- Fluid Mechanics - finger flow in porous media including soils and fractured rocks
- Geo-spatial Data Science - based on geostatistics, Excel, Python and ArcGIS Pro platforms
Dr. Wang’s research group has been studying various aspects of hydrology and soil physics issues in the San Joaquin Valley and the Sierra Nevada watersheds of California. The basic studies are focused on how fluids infiltrate through soils, aquifers and rock fractures, producing unstable preferential flow paths called “fingers” that can cause groundwater contamination. The applied studies are varied, but mostly focused on: (1) how the global climate change affects water circulation in specific watersheds, (2) how forest fires affect water flow and sediment transport; (3) how saline water moves through soils and aquifers causing soil salinity and land abandonment; and (4) how GIS technology can be used in hydro- and geo-sciences.
At present, Dr. Wang’s research group are conducting the following field-based studies:- Effects of Winery wastewater application on soil properties, crop yield, grape and wine quality in the San Joaquin Valley, collaborating with faculty members in the department of Viticulture and Enology;
- Dryland hydrology, including the hydrology and funcltions of dew and limited precipitation, soil, water and plant-animal interactions in arid and semi-arid regions;
- Soil quality asssessment, including development of soil quality indices (SQI) and evaluation and mapping of soil quality for agricultural and other purposes based on soil survey data; and
- Post-fire hydrology in the Sierra Nevada forests and watersheds, includig the effects of wildfire on soil hydrophobicity as well as soil and water erosion potentials.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue in WATER (an open-access international journal): Climate Change Effects on Hydrological Processes, Water Resources, Ecosystems and Agriculture
- Research Mentor, NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Sustainable Groundwater Resources (please apply through the website, nationwide competition)
- PI. F3 (Farms-Food-Future, Future of Food Innovation Initiative). Using a Soil-Compost-Biochar-Coriphol mulching mix to save water, improve soil and crop health and boost agricultural production in hot and arid regions with irrigation (2025-2028 funded, Summar salary, student and instrument support). Collaborators: Dr. Zhi Wang, Dr. Qun Sun, Dr. The “Leo” Nguyen, Mr. Joseph Gallegos (Founder and CEO, the UmidaAg company in Fresno, California for subsurface irrigation (, Mr. Mike Woelk (Co-Founder & CEO, the Corigin Company in Merced,, and Dr. Vince Vroos (Farm manager, the Fresno State Farm).
- Co-PI. American Vineyard Foundation (AVF): Using Cover Crops to Mitigate the Negative Effect of Winery Wastewater Application on Soil, Crop Yield, Grape and Wine Quality in San Joaquin Valley of California, 2021-2023.PI. Dr. Kresty Qun Sun (Viticulture and Enology), Co-PIs: Dr. Lubo Liu (Engineering), Dr. Zhi Wang (EES). The goal of this project is to select the promising cover crops to improve water use efficiency, maintain soil health, and reduce potential salinity resulted from wastewater irrigation in vineyard. The study will also determine whether cover crops will improve canopy growth, vine yield, grape and wine chemical compositions. To apply for research experience or thesis work, please e-mail Dr. Kresty Qun Sun, Dr. Lubo Liu and Dr. Zhi Wang.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Zhang, L.Y., Z. Wang*, Z.L. He, X.J Ma, B. Ma*, J.C. Tian, J.Y. He. Effects of Gravel-Sand and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil Water and Temperature Retention in Cold and Arid Regions without Irrigation (DOI). Science of the Total Environment 934, 2024.
- Yang, Z.F., J.C. Tian, Z. Wang, K.P. Feng, Z. Ouyang, L.X. Zhang, X.F. Yan. Coupled soil water stress and environmental effects on changing photosynthetic traits in wheat and maize (weblink, DOI). Agricultural Water Management, 282:108246, 2023.
- Jia, Z.F.,D.Z. Chen, Z. Wang*,P.C. Liu, P. Liu,C.C. Yao. Soil water condensation versus atmospheric vapor source in Guanzhong Plain, China. Chinese J. of Applied Ecology, 34(2):369-376, 2023.
Yang, Z.F., J.C. Tian, Z. Wang, K.P. Feng. Monitoring the photosynthetic performance of grape leaves using a hyperspectral-based machine learning model (WebLink). European J. of Agronomy. 140 (126589), 2022.
- Ma, B., J.C. Tian, J.Y. He, Z. Wang*. The mechanisms of dew formation and its influence on surface soil water content in the Central Ningxia arid belt. Advances in Water Science. 33(6): 100-111, 2022.
- Ren, T., Z.F. Jia, Z. Wang*, Z. Zhong. Dynamics of soil water potential under plastic membrane and geotextile cloth mulching in Mu Us desert (WebLink). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 34(4): 78-84, 2020.
- Zhong, Z,Z.F. Jia,Z. Wang,Y.D. Lu,T. Ren,J. Chen,X.P. Wang. Effects of double ridge geotextile mulching on soil moisture in arid and semi-arid regions. Accepted for publication in Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas, 2019.
- Ren, T., Z.F. Jia, Z. Wang, Y.D. Lu, X.H. Liu, Z. Zhong. Characteristics of soil temperature change under plastic membrane-geotextile cloth mulching in Mu us desert land. Accepted for publication in Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas, 2019.
- Jia, Z.F., Z. Wang, H. Wang. Characteristics of dew formation in semi-arid loess plateau of central Shaanxi Province, China. Water, 11(1), 126, 2019.
- Su, F.M., Z.F. Jia, Z Wang. Effects of geotextile plus plastic film mulching on soil moisture in WeiBei dryland. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation. 38(5):97-102, 2018.
- Wang, X., Z.Y. Gao, Y.K. Wang, Z. Wang, S.S. Jin. Dew measurement and estimation of rain-fed jujube in a semi-arid loess hilly region of China. J. Arid Land. 9:547-557, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s40333-017-0061-z.
- Scudiero, E., D.L. Corwin, R.G. Anderson, K. Yemoto, W. Clary, Z. Wang, T.H. Skaggs. Remote sensing is a viable tool for mapping soil salinity in agricultural lands. California Agriculture, 71(4):231-238, 2017. Our map on the Cover Page (DOI:
- Liang, X., D.R. Su, Z. Wang, and X. Qiao. Effects of turfgrass thatch on water infiltration, surface runoff, and evaporation. J. of Water Resources and Protection, DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2017.97053, 9(7), 799-810, 2017.
- Wang, H.,Z.F. Jia,Z. Wang. Dew amount and it’s inducing factors in the loess hilly region of Ansai County, northern Shaanxi Province, China. J. of Applied Ecology (Accepted on August 27, 2017).
- Wang, H.,Z.F. Jia,Y.D. Lu,Z.L. He,Y.K. Wang,Y.M. Chen,Z. Wang. Dew condensation time and frequency in the loess hilly region of Ansai County, northern Shaanxi Province, China. J. of Applied Ecology, Doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201708.15, 28(8), 2017.
- He, Z., Z. Wang, C.J. Suen, and X. Ma. Hydrologic sensitivity of the Upper San Joaquin River Watershed in California to climate change scenarios. Hydrology Research, 44.4: 723-736., 2013.
- Liu, Y., B.J. Fu, Y.H. Lü, Z. Wang, G.Y. Gao. Hydrological responses and soil erosion potential of abandoned cropland in the Loess Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 138: 404-414, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.10.009, 2011.
- Jin, T.T., B.J. Fu, G.H. Liu, and Z.Wang. Hydrologic feasibility of artificial forestation in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Hydrology and Earth System Sci., 15, 2519-2530, doi:10.5194/hess-15-2519-2011. 2011.
- Liu, X., B. He, Z. Li, J. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Wang. Influence of land terracing on agricultural and ecological environment in the Loess Plateau regions of China. Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-010-0567-6, 2010.
- Liang, X., D. Su, S. Yin and Z. Wang. Leaf water absorption and desorption functions for three turfgrasses. Journal of Hydrology, 376: 243-248, 2009.
- Li, He-li, Huai-en Li, Zhi Wang, Wen-juan Shi. Research of Finger Flow in Porous Media: Review and Perspective (Chinese), Soils, 41: 27-33, 2008.
- Kim, S.B., H.S. On, D.J. Kim, W. A. Jury , and Z. Wang. Determination of bromacil transport as a function of water and carbon content in soils. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 42, 529-537, 2007.
- Wang, Z. Watershed Monitoring and Hydrologic Simulation using GIS (front page abstract), CSU Geospatial Review, Vol. 4 , Spring 2006.
- Javaux, M., Z. Wang, J. Feyen, D.E. Elrick, and M. Vanclooster. Correction to ‘‘Prediction of fingering in porous media", Water Resources Research, Vol. 41, No. 4, W04005, doi:10.1029/2004WR003831, 2005.
- Wang, Z. BookReview: Seepage in Soils – Principles and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Vadose Zone Journal, 3:728-729, 2004.
- Wang, Z., W.A. Jury, A. Tuli, and D.J. Kim. Unstable flow during redistribution: Controlling factors and practical implications. Vadose Zone Journal, 3: 549-559, 2004.
- Wang, Z, A. Tuli, and W.A. Jury. Unstable flow during redistribution in homogeneous soil, Vadose Zone Journal, 2: 52-60. 2003.
- Jury, W.A., Z. Wang, and A. Tuli. A conceptual model of unstable flow in unsaturated soil during redistribution, Vadose Zone Journal, 2: 61-67. 2003.
- Wang, Z., L. Wu, T. Harter, J. Lu and W.A. Jury. A field study of unstable preferential flow during soil water redistribution. Water Resources Research. Vol. 39 (4): 1075, doi:10.1029/2001WR000903. 2003.
- Wang, Z., A. Chang, L. Wu, and D. Crowley. Assessing the soil quality of long-term reclaimed wastewater-irrigated cropland. Geoderma, 114: 261-278, doi:10.1016/S0016-7061(03)00044-2. 2003.
- Wang, Z., J. Lu, L. Wu, T. Harter, and W.A. Jury. Visualizing preferential flow in field soils using ammonium carbonate and a pH indicator, Soil Science Society of America Journal , 66, 347-351. 2002.
- Wang, J., B. Fu, Y. Qiu, L. Chen, and Z. Wang. Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture variability on Da Nangou catchment of the loess plateau, China. Environmental Geology, 41: 113-120. 2001.
- Jury, W. A., and Z. Wang.Unresolved Problems in vadose zone hydrology and contaminant transport. In Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock, AGU Geophysical Monograph 122, edited by B. Faybishenko, P. A. Witherspoon and S. M. Benson. pp. 67-72. 2000.
- Wang, Z., L. Wu, and Q. J. Wu.Water-entry value as an alternative indicator of soil water repellency and wettability, Journal of Hydrology, 231-232: 76-83. 2000.
- Wang, Z., Q.J. Wu, L. Wu, C.J. Ritsema, L.W. Dekker and J. Feyen. Effects of soil water repellency on infiltration rate and flow instability. Journal of Hydrology, 231-232:265-276. 2000.
- Zerihun, D., J. Feyen, J. M. Reddy and Z. Wang. Minimum cost design of furrow irrigation systems. Transactions of the ASAE, 42(4): 945-955. 1999.
- Wang, Z., Jan Feyen, and D.E. Elrick.Prediction of Fingering in porous media. Water Resources Research, 34: 2183-2190. 1998.
- Wang, Z., Jan Feyen and C. J. Ritsema. Susceptibility and predictability of conditions for preferential flow. Water Resources Research, 34: 2169-2182. 1998.
- Wang, Z., J. Feyen, M. Th. van Genuchten and D. R. Nielsen. Air entrapment effects on infiltration rate and flow instability. Water Resources Research, 34(2): 213-222. 1998.
- Wang, Z., J. Feyen, D. R. Nielsen and M. Th. van Genuchten. Two-phase flow infiltration equations accounting for air entrapment effects. Water Resources Research, 33(12): 2759-2768. 1997.
- Zerihun, D, Z. Wang, J. Feyen and J. M. Reddy. Empirical functions for dependent furrow irrigation parameters. 2: Applications, Irrigation Science, 17:121-126. 1997.
- Zerihun, D., Z. Wang, S. Rimal, J. Feyen and J. M. Reddy, Analysis of surface irrigation performance terms and indices. Agricultural Water Management, 34:25-46. 1997.
- Wang Z., D. Zerihun, and J. Feyen, General irrigation efficiency for field water management. Agricultural Water Management, 30(2): 123-132. 1996.
- Wang, Z., J. M. Reddy and J. Feyen. Improved 0-1 programming model for optimal flow scheduling in irrigation canals, Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 9: 105-116. 1995.
- Wang, Z., F. Zhu and X. Liu. Development of a non-hump parabolic throatless flume. Journal of Water Resources (Chinese), 7: 12-23. July 1994. Award Certificate in Chinese (1998-99)
- Wang, Z. Field study of the Long Border Segment Irrigation systems. Journal of irrigation and Drainage (Chinese), 5: 15-26. Nov. 1986.
Graduate Students:
- James R. Meier (graduated in Summer 2005 and hired by GeoMatrix Consultants): Thesis abstract: Analysis of Groundwater Banks in San Joaquin Valley.
- Ori Sartono (graduated in Summer 2007, K.D. Schmidt & Assoc.) Thesis abstract: Parameterization of a fractured hardrock aquifer in western foothills of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Sana Alsaoudi (graduate in Fall 2007): Thesis abstract: Isotope studies of San Joaquin River and the nearby groundwater resources.
- Jorge Baca Jr. (graduated in Fall 2009, California EPA - Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board). Thesis abstrct: GIS-aided modeling and site measurement of soil erosion potentials in the upper Fresno River watershed, California.
- Doug DeFlitch: (Graduated in Spring 2010): Thesis abstract: Measurement and Monitoring of Bedload Sediment Transport along the Upper San Joaquin River below Friant Dam.
- Joe Knight: Geological study of selenium transport in the Central Valley of California.
- Ronald E. Holcomb (California EPA - Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board): Hydrogeological study of the shallow saline aquifer in Lemoore, California.
- Ashley Ross: Measurement and modeling of sediment transport in the Big Creek basin of Kings River watershed, California.
- Dustin White: Stratigraphy and Transmissivity of the Kaweah River Fan, Visalia, California.
- Benjamin Gooding: Identifying Sources of Hydrogen Sulfide and Water Quality Characteristics in the San Joaquin Valley.
- Marienel Basiga: Simulating Salt Transport in Naval Air Station Lemoore Using HYDRUS 1-D.