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College of Science and Mathematics

Support the College of Science and Mathematics

The College of Science and Mathematics has a bold vision to empower the next generation of the STEM workforce. 

Continued success requires significant private investment. Whether you choose to support the student who will be our next generation scientist and researcher or any of our programs, your gift makes a difference.

Make a Donation Today!


Learn About Our Top Areas of Need

desk and chairs

Lab Renovation

Invest in ongoing lab renovations to ensure every student studying a science discipline participates in hands-on research in their academic studies. Your support will build a stronger STEM workforce that will tackle the scientific and technical problems of the future.Give to Lab Renovation
smiling people in the lab

Health Career Opportunity Program - HCOP

Serving students that have an interest in pursuing a career in the health and allied health professions. Your support helps students on their journey towards health careers, thereby increasing the number and diversity of health care professionals in the Central Valley.Give to HCOP

Community Outreach and Engagement

Help us inspire the next generation of STEM leaders by advancing education opportunities by supporting our Outreach Programs. We bring science to local K-12 classrooms to demonstrate, educate and excite students through STEM education. Give to Outreach

Student Research

Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) embeds the research experience into the curriculum to effectively train, increase and retain the number of STEM majors. Your support will provide authentic research experiences to a large number of students. Give to CUREs

Downing Planetarium and Museum

Sharing the wonders of the Universe with our Central Valley community we offer planetarium programs under a thirty-foot dome daily throughout the year. The planetarium and museum specializes in field trips for children from schools throughout the Central ValleyGive to the Planetarium

Planned Giving

Consider leaving a legacy by supporting the education of future Bulldogs by including the College of Science and Mathematics in your will, trust, or as a beneficiary. Your decisions today can create a lasting impact that will improve the lives of countless students at Fresno State.Planned Giving


Give Today

Now is the time to support the College of Science and Mathematics. There are a varity of methods for making a gift to the College of Science and Mathematics. 



Our secure online giving site allows donors to quickly and easily make a gift. 

Make a one time gift or pay an existing pledge.

Give Today

By Mail

To send a gift by mail, please send to:

College of Science and Mathematics
2576 E. San Ramon Ave., M/S ST90
Fresno, CA 93740

If sending a check, please make payable to Fresno State Foundation.

By Phone

Contact our Director of Planned Giving by calling 559.278.1877. Please have your credit or debit card ready. 


Feel free to contact the Development Office. 


Becky Brown

Director of Planned Giving

5241 N. Maple Ave. M/S TA45, Fresno CA 93740

Office: 559.278.1877