College of Science and Mathematics

Downing Planetarium

STEM Center

Advising and Resources Center

Center for Access to Science for All (CASA)
The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) graduate program at Fresno State provides students with the academic coursework, research experience, and supervised field experience. The Association for Behavior Analysis International has verified the courses listed below toward the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst® or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® examination.
The Biology Honors Program will provide motivated upper-division students with the opportunity to explore biology through enhanced educational study and engagement with their intellectual peers.
Biology Honors Program webssiteBiomedical physics (also known as medical physics) is a branch of physics concerned with the application of physics principles, theories, and experimental methods into the modern practice and research of medicine. The main goal of the program was to prepare our graduates to enter into the very competitive graduate programs (MS or PhD) in medical physics.
The Master's in Biotechnology Program is a Professional Science Master's Program, approved by the Council of Graduate Schools. This application focused graduate program is designed to train students in biotechnology. We are preparing the next generation of leaders in biotechnology.
Biotechnology Master’s Program websiteThe College of Science and Mathematics Building Opportunities through Networks of Discovery (BOND program) is designed to help you make the most of your first year at Fresno State. As part of the BOND program you will build connections with students, faculty, and advisors and engage in real world experiences designed to prepare you for success at Fresno State and beyond.
BOND Program websiteThe Bridges to Doctorate Program aims to enhance the participation of students from underrepresented groups in Ph.D. programs in the biomedical and behavioral natural sciences. To achieve this, the Bridge Program provides intensive research, coursework, and mentoring experiences.
Bridges to Doctorate Program websiteThe Chemistry Honors program is a 10-unit program completed in the last four or five semesters of a student’s undergraduate degree program. In addition to four honors courses, students are required to complete an independent research project resulting in an undergraduate thesis, complete a peer-instruction service requirement, and present their research at a scientific conference appropriate to their field.
Chemistry Honors Program websiteCourse Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) embeds the research experience into the curriculum to effectively train, increase and retain the number of STEM majors
The Early Field Experience (EFE) program supports science and math undergraduate students who are planning to enter the teaching profession. This program provides students with an exciting opportunity to learn about the teaching profession and to explore options within the 7-12 grade levels and subject areas. Students are paired with a mentor teacher and assist them with lesson planning, classroom management, instruction, and more.
Early Field Experience Program websiteGrowing Outstanding Teachers of Mathematics (GOTMath) is designed to provide both programmatic (e.g. mentoring, special seminars, conferences, summer programs, etc.) and financial support for eligible undergraduate juniors and seniors who are majoring in Mathematics with an Integrated Credential Option. The program seeks individuals who are excited about and committed to a career in mathematics teaching at the secondary school level (middle and high school).
Growing Outstanding Teachers of Math Program websiteThe Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) supports students that aspire to give back to their communities as doctors, dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants, optometrists, and other health care professionals. By providing a nurturing approach and a “home away from home,” students receive the guidance and support necessary to enroll in professional health graduate schools and pursue their journey as aspiring health professionals.
Health Care Opportunities Program (HCOP)The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP) program supports students pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) baccalaureate degrees. The program provides LSAMP scholars with a range of activities including career advising, peer mentoring, and the opportunity to participate in research with a Fresno State faculty member. LSAMP supports individuals who have faced or face social, educational, or economic barriers to careers in STEM.
LSAMP Program websiteThe program is made up of volunteer peer mentors, who play a vital role in providing first-year freshmen support with college navigation and knowledge of campus resources. In addition, peer mentors help the first-year freshmen connect, both academically and socially, to the university in order to successfully reach degree completion. We are hopeful that this support will have a long-lasting influence beyond the students' experience at Fresno State.
MASS Peer Mentor Program websiteThe Mathematics Teaching Scholars Program supports future Mathematics teachers with four-year scholarships, paid teaching experiences in schools, opportunities to participate in math education conferences, research opportunities, and more.
Mathematics Teaching Scholars Program websiteThe GOT Math program supports future Mathematics teachers with scholarship funds, teacher training activities, attendance at math teacher conferences, and summer research/internship opportunities at national research labs.
Noyce ScholarshipThe honors program is designed to be a stimulating and exciting experience for a select group of our best psychology students. It is not limited to students who intend to attend graduate school in psychology and related fields. All psychology majors, regardless of their professional goals, are encouraged to apply.
Psychology Honors Program websiteThe Research Training Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program (RISE) supports research training for students who are interested in developing professional careers as biomedical and behavioral research scientists. This federally funded training program is designed to ensure that talented and motivated minority or disadvantaged students can obtain the background and skills that they need to enter and succeed in doctoral education.
RISE ProgramThe Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is an exciting effort designed to encourage low-income individuals who are first-generation college students and/or traditionally underrepresented in graduate education to pursue doctoral study.
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program websiteThe Ed.S in School Psychology is a full-time, 3-year, 71 unit program that prepares individuals for practice as school psychologists. The program is accredited by the state through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and fully approved at the national level by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). At program completion, students are awarded the Ed.S degree and institutional recommendation for the Pupil Personnel Services Credential with Advanced Specialization in School Psychology. Graduates are eligible to apply for the National Certification in School Psychology (NCSP).
Psychology Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) program websiteStudents completing the M.A. program receive a thorough grounding in psychology as an empirical science. All M.A. students are prepared in the foundations necessary to successfully enter and complete doctoral programs; students receive instruction in quantitative methods, experimental design, psychological theory, and research. By the end of the curriculum, our students are prepared for Ph.D. work, occupations in Research Analysis, and/or teaching at the community-college level.
Psychology Master’s Program in General/Experimental Psychology websiteThe goal of “STEAM: Enriched Pathways” is to democratize access to academic success for all students. The project creates efficient ‘guided pathways-plus’ for students to obtain bachelor’s degrees in STEAM. “STEAM” encompasses STEM disciplines as well as agricultural sciences because the latter is a huge economic engine in the region.
Offered in association with the UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program, the Academic Research Associates (ARA) Program offers premedical undergraduate students a unique opportunity to observe clinical medicine and participate in biomedical research. The program takes place within the Emergency and Surgery Departments at Community Regional Medical Center, and participants may join the program on a volunteer basis, or receive college credit at Fresno State as an elective course.
UCSF Fresno Academic Associate Program websiteA Program to Usher Scholars into Computer Science. The USHER program offers scholarships to first-time freshman and transfer students to complete a B.S. degree in Computer Science at Fresno State. It offers a series of training to enhance students’ STEM, critical and algorithmic thinking in Computer Science. The program coordinates a number of university services to prepare students to become competitive research and/or industry workforce in Computer Science.