Select Publications (‡=student co-author):
Duong, T. ‡, Telemeco, M., Dean, C. ‡, Hansen, A.K. (2022). Piloting virtual field trips during a pandemic: Developing curriculum, lessons
learned, and recommendations. Connected Science Learning, 4(2).
Moon, S., Carpenter, S.L., Hansen, A.K., Bushong, L., Bianchini, J.A. (2021). Examining the effects of undergraduate STEM teacher
recruitment and teacher education programs on preservice secondary science and mathematics
teacher readiness and teacher performance assessment (edTPA) scores. School Science and Mathematics, 121(8), 452-465.
Hansen, A.K., Connors, P., Donnelly-Hermosillo, D., Full, R., Hove, A., Lanier, J., Lent, D., Nation,
J., Tucker, K.P., Ward, J., Whitenack, L., Zavaleta, E. (2021). Biology beyond the
classroom: Experiential learning through authentic research, design, and community
engagement. Integrative & Comparative Biology, 61(3), 926-933.
Lent, D.D., Estes, K.M. ‡, Hansen, A.K. (2021). Increasing faculty involvement in the undergraduate interdisciplinary learning
experience. Integrative & Comparative Biology, 61(3), 1002-1012.
Hernandez, T. ‡, Donnelly-Hermosillo, D., Person, E., Hansen, A.K. (2021). “At least we could give our input”: Underrepresented student narratives on
conventional and guided inquiry-based laboratory approaches. Integrative & Comparative Biology, 61(3), 992-1001.
McBeath, J.N., Hansen, A.K. (2021). Perspectives on Community STEM: Learning through partnerships between scientists,
researchers, and youth. Integrative & Comparative Biology, 61(3), 1055-1065.
Hansen, A.K., Gribble, J. ‡, Moran, A., Hansen, E.R. ‡, Harlow, D.B. (2021). Making computer science accessible. Science & Children, 58(5), 80-85.
Hansen, A.K., Langdon, T. ‡, Mendrin, L.W. ‡, Peters, K. ‡, Ramos, J. ‡, Lent, D.D. (2020). Exploring the Potential of 3D-printing in Biological Education:
A Review of the Literature. Integrative & Comparative Biology.
Carpenter, S.L., Iveland, A., Moon, S., Hansen, A.K., Harlow, D.B., & Bianchini, J. A. (2019). Models are a “metaphor in your brain”: How
potential and preservice teachers understand the science and engineering practice
of modeling. School Science and Mathematics, 119(5), 275-286.
Hansen, A.K., McBeath, J.K., and Harlow, D.B. (2019) No bones about it: How digital fabrication
changes student perceptions of their role in the classroom," Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER): Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 6.
Harlow, D., Dwyer, H., Hansen, A.K., Iveland, A., & Franklin, D. (2018). Ecological design based research in computer
science education: Affordances and effectivities for elementary school students. Cognition and Instruction, 36(3).
Harlow D.B., Hansen A.K., McBeath J.K., Leak A.E. (2018) Teacher education for maker education: Helping teachers
develop appropriate PCK for engaging children in educative making. In: Uzzo S., Graves
S., Shay E., Harford M., Thompson R. (Eds.) Pedagogical Content Knowledge in STEM, Springer, Cham.
Harlow, D.B., Dwyer, H.A., Hansen, A.K., Hill, C., Iveland, A., Leak, A., Franklin, D. (2015). Computer programming in elementary
and middle school: Connections across content. In M. Urban and D. Falvo (Eds.) Improving K-12 STEM educational outcomes through technological integration, 337-361. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.