College of Science and Mathematics

Lorin Lachs
Psychology | (559) 278-4853 | Office: Science II Bldg., Rm. 312
Indiana University PhD
Courses Taught
- PSYCH124 Sensation and Perception
- PSYCH144 Research Design and Experimental Methods
- PSYCH182 History and Systems of Psychology
- PSYCH120T Psychology of Language
- PSYCH183A&B Honors Seminar in Psychology
- CGSCI100 Cognitive Science Seminar
- PSYCH244A&B Measurement, Research Methods and Statistics
- Seminar in Lab Teaching
- Professional Development
- Practicum in Research Analysis
- Developing Research Proposals
- Spreadsheets for RDAs
- Databases for RDAs
- PSYCH220T Perception and Action
- PSYCH201 First Semester Experience
- PSYCH202 Second Semester Experience