Steve Blumenshine the Interim Executive Director of CSU-WATER (Water Advocacy Towards Education and Research), a CSU System Affinity Group.
He leads CSU-WATER efforts in developing and strengthening water research and scholarship
across CSU campuses in collaboration with external partners and other water stakeholders.
These efforts focus on the critical agricultural, urban, and environmental water issues
in California, with an awareness and application of the governmental and societal
roles in the allocation of overprescribed and stressed water resources.
In Steve's research program based in the Biology Department, he leads funded research
projects in our region on: headwater streams in the Sierra, foothill rivers, reservoirs,
and watersheds, the San Joaquin River, flooded Ag fields as conservation habitat in
the Central Valley, and the SF Bay-Delta. His international water experience includes
two U.S. Fulbright Scholar Awards, and overall includes collaborations in China, Germany,
Israel, Spain, Switzerland, and Thailand.