I earned a bachelors degree in mathematics from University of California, Davis.
I attended graduate school at the University of Arizona mathematics department. My
research was supervised by Dr. Jan Wehr and focused on problems relating quantum mechanics
and probability. After receiving my Ph.D. in mathematics in 2013, I returned to University
of California, Davis as a Krener Assistant Professor in the mathematics department.
Dr. Bruno Nachtergaele supervised my research in interacting quantum systems and quantum
spin systems. Afterward, I arrived at Fresno State. I continue to work in mathematical
physics and have expanded into first-year course development in Precalculus, calculus
placement, and the BOND first-year-experience in the College of Science and Mathematics.
I also maintain a Google Site: https://sites.google.com/mail.fresnostate.edu/mibishop/home
Mathematical Physics
My research studies the mathematics underlying quantum mechanics. These include random
Schrodinger operators, systems of interacting quantum particles in disordered systems,
quantum spin systems, and recently, theories on minimal length scales in quantum mechanics.
Generally, I work to find lower bounds on mathematical expressions to either show
they don't go to zero in some limit or to find the `speed' with which they go to zero.
You can find my publications on my Google Scholar profile: Google Scholar Profile Michael Bishop
I also try to be a generalist as much as possible and have done independent studies
with students on mathematical finance, quantum computation, fractal geometry, and
a host of analysis and probability problems.