College of Science and Mathematics

Ulrike Muller
Biology | 559.278.2532 | Office: Science 332A
Courses Taught
International (Graduate and post-doc level)
- High-Impact Writing
- Replying to Peer Reviews
- Writing Scientific Proposals
Graduate Level
- BIOL 250 Scientific Writing
- BIOL 265T Biomechanics of Locomotion
Undergraduate Level
- BIOL 10 Life Sciences
- BIOL 112 Peer Instruction
- BIOL 113H Honors Colloquium
- BIOL 143 Comparative Vertebrate Morphology
- BIOL 162 Comparative Animal Physiology
- BIOL 162L Comparative Animal Physiology Lab
- BIOL 163 Advanced Human Physiology
- BIOL 169L Physiology Laboratory
- CSM 10 Scientific Method
- CSM 15S Evidence-Based Decision Making
- HON 21 Science Communication
- HON 103 Natural Science, Culture, and Human Behavior