Department of Mathematics
Welcome to SIAM! Applied mathematics, in partnership with computational science, is essential in solving many real-world problems. Our mission is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology through our publications, research, and community.
Please join us this Friday, 9/18/20, as we begin learning to Visualize Data with Python.
In order to eliminate the time it takes to download data, languages and software, we will be working on courses offered by Kaggle. If you have 1) an interest in visualizing data and 2) a computer, please join us!
Our Goal: The goal for the club is not to have students take another class and add more stress to their lives. Rather, the goal is to allow students to have fun while visualizing data and to explore the code and the data at their own pace.
We encourage anyone interested to join us so that we can learn and have fun together! We hope to see everyone this Friday from 3PM to 4PM (after the Pacific Math Alliance Event)!
Meetings: First Friday of every month, 3:00 to 4:00 pm on Zoom
Faculty Advisers:
Mario Banuelos (
Earvin Balderama (
President: Manuel Chacon
Vice-President: TBD
Treasurer: TBD
Secretary: TBD