Department of Mathematics
Week 1 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Michael Bishop (6/12) abstract
Week 2 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Erin Pearse (6/19) abstract
Week 3 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Tamer Oraby (6/26) abstract
Week 4 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Vincent Bonini (7/3) abstract
Week 5 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Erwin Suazo (7/10) abstract
Week 6 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Carmen Caprau (7/17) abstract
Week 7 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Steve Chung (7/24) abstract
Week 8 (Dr. Rodgers' group) (Dr. Tran's Group)
Colloquium speaker: Dr. Oscar Vega (7/31) abstract
Other Activities
During the 8 weeks of the REU, we will have several activities, which are not closely related to mathematics.
Hikes in the Sierra Nevadas
Fresno is ideally located between Yosemite, King's Canyon and Sequoia national parks.
Hiking trails in these parks are abundant, and we will organize 2 hikes, with destinations
to be decided by the participants. Depending on availability and willingness, we may
stay in cabins for a night in one of these parks. Of course, if the group wants, we
can do more day hikes, and take trips to Shaver and Huntington lakes, where some summer
water fun can be had!
There will be a 2 or 3 barbecues/dinners at Dr. Forgacs's home: a welcome event, one
on the 4th of July, and a farewell party. Be prepared to eat, have fun.
Almost spontaneous events
In order to exercise the body, not just the mind, we will spontaneously play soccer
or frisbee one night of the week. In addition, we can also organize trips to the movies,
and other fun destinations.