Department of Mathematics
Summer Academy in Geometry and Technology 2013
For Elementary, Middle and High School Students
Monday, June 17 - Friday, June 21
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Department of Mathematics at California State University, Fresno in collaboration with San Joaquin Valley Mathematics Project (SJVMP), Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI) and Science and Mathematics Education Center (SMEC) offers a unique opportunity for motivated elementary, middle and high school students to experience a challenging and enjoyable learning opportunity.
Interested elementary, middle and high school students are invited to apply for this intensive one-week learning experience.
- One week of intensive learning experience through challenging tasks in an enjoyable environment.
- Hands-on learning through fun-filled activities and projects.
- Change the way you think and feel about mathematics and learning.
- Learn to use dynamic geometry software and other visual creation software, to explore geometric concepts.
- Improve your reasoning and mathematics thinking skills.
- Earn California State University, Fresno Certificate of Accomplishment.
- Meet new friends, expert teachers and university professors at Fresno State.
Elementary school geometry concepts (Registration $185*)
Explore and build grades 4 - 6 key geometric concepts such as shapes, dimensions,
angles, and area. Also, investigate 3D objects and explore concepts such as volume
and surface area through hands-on projects, activities, real life problems and the
use of technology.
Middle school geometry concepts (Registration $185*)
Explore and build grades 6 - 9 key geometric concepts such as prospective, area, volume
and surface area congruence and similarity through hands-on projects, projects, activities,
real life problems and the use of technology.
High School Geometry Concepts (Registration $285*)
Explore transformational geometry through dynamic geometry software and investigate
high end Euclidian and Spherical Geometry through hands-on projects and activities.
Also, investigate high school key geometric concepts such as congruence and similarity
using geometric software. Develop skills to build logical arguments through collaborative
discussions, real life problems, and activities.
This extended workshop (June 17- June 21 8:00 AM – 3:00PM, & July 8- July 19, from
8:00 AM – 12:00PM) is for students who are interested in obtaining 3 units of university
*Fees include materials, handouts, morning snacks, lunch, and the use of labs and software. There may be few scholarships available for eligible students. An additional $50 if registering after May 1st.