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Department of Psychology

SENIOR YEAR: Summer Before

  1. Start preparing a vita or resume. Gather information about your academic, vocational, and research accomplishments. Information about how to prepare a vita and resume are available in Career Services.
  2. * Take the GRE - GENERAL TEST by computer if it was not taken in the Spring.
  3. * Prepare for the GRE - SUBJECT TEST in PSYCHOLOGY (if required by program you are applying for). This test is offered only a paper-based format. It should be taken no later than fall of your senior year. An effective strategy is to study an Introductory Psychology textbook and review your notes from past psychology courses.
  4. * Beginning in August you should start writing for graduate program applications and current faculty research interests. The Graduate Study in Psychology, published by APA, is an excellent place to start. In addition, the Psychology Advising Office has on file graduate program information organized by state. These files are available to students during office hours.

SENIOR YEAR: 1st Semester

  1. Continue taking courses from the applications, content, and process areas.
  2. Take Psych 182 (History and Systems) either this semester or next semester.
  3. Remember to renew any membership dues in PSI CHI/APA etc...
  4. Apply for a scholarship.
  5. Research prospective employers, learn about job interviewing techniques, enroll in the campus interview program, develop a "network" or career contacts, and conduct an active job search.
  6. * A word of warning! Do not overload yourself with excessive course work. You will need time to apply to graduate school.
  7. * Begin your statement of purpose two to three months before you plan to submit your graduate school applications. This will give your mentor plenty of time to help you edit it.
  8. * Prepare letter of recommendation packets at least a month in advance of the due date for each of your references.
  9. * By the end of October you should have decided to which programs you will apply and have your applications typed and ready to mail.
  10. * By the first of December you should be mailing the applications and requesting transcripts to ensure their arrival before the program deadlines.

SENIOR YEAR: 2nd Semester

  1. *** APPLY FOR GRADUATION at the beginning of the semester!!!
  2. Take Psych 182 (History and Systems) if you have not already done so.
  3. Finish any remaining degree requirements.
  5. * Relax and wait for a response from you prospective graduate programs sometimes in April.
    Note: If you are a transfer student, you should review the activities described for the Freshman and Sophomore years. If you identify activities that you have not completed, you should complete them during your first semester at Fresno State.

After Graduation

  1. Begin job or graduate study.
  2. Keep in touch!