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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Krishnan Research Group


Areas of Research

Our overall research interests are twofold: Structural and computational biophysical chemistry with specific emphasis on molecular biophysics methods (high-resolution biomolecular NMR, Circular Dichroism (CD) and Differential Scanning Calorimerty (DSC)). Currently our focus is on understanding the underlying molecular functional dynamics of and conformational distribution of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), such as nucleoporins and antifreeze glycoproteins.

The second area of research is in applied biostatistics and bioinformatics for biomedical research. In particular we collaborate extensively with biomedical scientists and clinicians to identify molecular biomarkers using functional genomics, proteomics as well as metabolomics.

Recent Publications (* Student authors)

  1. V.V. Krishnan and N. Murali, Radiation damping in modern NMR experiments: Progress and challenges in Progress in NMR Spectroscopy., (in press).
  2. V.V. Krishnan and B. Rupp, Macromolecular structure determination: Comparison of X-ray and NMR spectroscopy in Citable Reviews in Life Sciences., (in press).
  3. K.A. Heisel*, J.J. Goto and V.V. Krishnan, NMR Chromotography: Molecular diffusion in the presence of pulsed field gradients in analytical chemistry applications, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 3, 401-409 (2012).
  4. J. Harmon*, C. Coffman*, S. Villarrial*, S. Chabolla* K.A. Heisel* and V.V. Krishnan, Determination of molecular self-diffusion coefficients using pulsed-field-gradient NMR: An experiment for undergraduate physical chemistry laboratory, Journal of Chemical Education, 89, 780-783 (2012).
  5. V.V. Krishnan, R. Williams*, J.J. Goto, K. Maitra and S. Maitra, Modulations in restricted amide rotation by steric induced conformational trapping, Chemical Physics Letters, 523, 124-128 (2012).
  6. I.H. Khan, R. Ravindran, V.V. Krishnan et al., Plasma antibody profiles as diagnostic biomarkers for tuberculosis, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 18, 2148-53 (2011)

Current Funding

  1. Developing Biomedical Research Infrastructure for California’s Central Valley (PI: Provost Covino)
    Role: Research Director and co-PI, Sept 2007 – July 2012 (NIH/NIGMS), No cost extension till 2013
  2. Fresno State-SBCC Partnership: Cancer Research and Training for Central California (PI: Associate Provost: Junn)
    Role: Co-PI, Jul 2010-Aug 2013 (National Cancer Institute)