Department of Biology
Getting Involved
In addition to internship and joint research ventures, there are many opportunities for professionals and community members to be engaged in the PSM in Biotechnology Program.
Participation in the program provides increased access to faculty and students in the program, allows participants to give back to the University and the community, and provides opportunities to impact the future leaders of biotechnology industry. These opportunities include:
- Semi-annual industry internship workshops
- Post job opportunities
- Guest lecture
- Advisory board membership
- Sponsorships
Internship presentations are held twice a year. The main purpose of the presentation is to provide a forum for students to complete the requirements of their internship course by making a short, but formal, presentation about what they learned. The presentations also serve to make the program visible to University and regional community members, recruit new students into the program, and most importantly provide opportunities for our students and industry members to meet and talk about internships and employment opportunities. Industry members often come to encourage students who have completed internships at their site.
Post job opportunities with us. We will distribute the opportunities to our graduates and those soon to graduate. Let us help you find the best individual for your position.
Guest lecturers are always in demand. Formal one-hour research symposia are held on Friday afternoons. Experts are needed for classroom presentations to talk about an area of their expertise or about their career experiences. There are also opportunities outside of class in workshops and career meetings to talk about industry or career paths.
Advisory board members meet twice a year to discuss the program. Their role is to direct the program making sure it meets the needs of industry, meets the needs of the community, and that it keeps current in the field of biotechnology. The board is instrumental in insuring the program is moving forward in this dynamic field.
You or your organization can support the PSM program through financial contributions or via equipment donations. Gifts are tax deductible and will be received and acknowledged through the Fresno State Foundation.
Our specific needs include:
- Student Scholarships - annual tuition for in-state students is approximately $4,500, add an additional $7,000 for out of state/international students.
- Special Event Sponsorships - provide refreshments, awards, and pay for advertising to promote the work of student interns. The average cost is $2,500.
- Research equipment and facility improvement - to give students exposure and experience on equipment currently used by industry we have an ongoing need for private funding. Items currently needed include a pH monitor for a bioreactor ($4,000), a fluorescent dissection microscope ($25,000) and green house renovations (up to $150,000). Please contact us for more ideas.
- Program or project support - gifts in this area help faculty and students disseminate information about our research and programs. Corporations and individuals also can help finance specific research projects.
Please contact the PSM program director to explore ways you might be able to support the Professional Science Master's Program (559-278-7692).