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Department of Biology


The mission of the Department of Biology at California State University, Fresno is to prepare students for the future with broad training in biology at the undergraduate and graduate (Master's level). The Department focuses on innovative student-centered strategies, research-focused teaching, and faculty mentoring to advance student success. At both the undergraduate and graduate levels, students work with faculty to carry out cutting edge research of relevance to Central California and beyond. Research and teaching programs are collaborative and integrative. To meet the needs of the diverse Central Valley population, the Department promotes science literacy, does outreach to the community, provides content expertise for science educators, and prepares science teachers.


The Department of Biology strives to be a regional and national leader in biology research and education, with a diverse curriculum, innovative instructional techniques that advance student success, and active student involvement in externally funded collaborative and integrative biological research programs. The Department is a valuable resource to the community, promoting science literacy, performing research on topics that directly impact the quality of life in the Central Valley and beyond, preparing individuals for careers as practicing scientists, and preparing and supporting science educators.


  • Increase the numbers of faculty so that we can conduct innovative research and offer the diverse curriculum appropriate to the needs of both society and our increasing number of majors
  • Build an environment that supports cutting edge, externally funded, and collaborative research
  • Reward and support the scholarship of teaching and learning, leading to innovative pedagogical approaches that enhance student success
  • Maintain & enhance connections with the community, especially with respect to K-12 science education
  • Increase the role of the university in science literacy and rationalism