College of Science and Mathematics
Math and Science Teacher Education
The College of Science and Mathematics maintains close ties with the Kremen School of Education to support students seeking their single subject teaching credentials in mathematics and the sciences.
The College houses the Science and Mathematics Education Center (SMEC) which provides extensive support for students planning to teach in science and mathematics. Visit the SMEC web site for detailed information.
For Secondary School Credential advising in the sciences, please contact Dr. David Andrews in the Biology Department. For advising in Mathematics, contact Dr. Rajee Amarasinghe or Dr. Agnes Tuska in the Mathematics Department.

The College of Science and Mathematics also provides support to programs for elementary school teachers. Here we see Anna Fimbrez explaining an image from while delivering a student presentation as part of Natural Sciences 116, a Science, Technology, and Society course that is part of the Blended Liberal Studies program. This curriculum adds substantial mathematics and science courses to the preparation of our future elementary school teachers.