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Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

Research, Internship, and Fellowship Opportunities

CSU-LSAMP Fresno State Summer and Academic Year Research Program

You must have a completed general CSU-LSAMP application on file and have been accepted into the CSU-LSAMP Fresno State program in order to be eligible to apply for the Summer and/or Academic Year Research Program.

Applications are emailed to the program listserv each spring semester. 

It is highly recommended that you identify a campus STEM faculty member who is willing to accept you into their lab prior to submitting your CSU-LSAMP Fresno State Research Program application. 

Below are links for research, fellowship, scholarship, internship, and award opportunities:


Be aware that some of these experiences may include opportunties for travel assistance, housing, meals, and/or a stipend/scholarship.

Some of the information above has been adapted from the Johns Hopkins University website on Summer Research, Internships and Employment Listings.