College of Science and Mathematics
Get Involved
The CSM BOND program prides itself on creating connections not only between its students but also with our campus resources and outside partners. If you are interested in students' success in their first year and interacting with Fresno State CSM freshmen, there are lots of ways to be involved:
- Giving a workshop or guest lecture to the current cohort
- Being a part of research lab tours
- Being a point of contact for student research projects
- Teaching a future section of CSM 10 or 15
- Being a peer leader in the summer program
- Being an Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) for CSM 10 or 15
- Provide your own idea! We love collaboration for the benefit of the students and enjoy hearing new ways to best support our students.
We are always looking for great people to work with, be it faculty, community members, special programs, Fresno State staff, graduate students or undergraduate programs. We recognize that it is through bringing together unique ideas and experiences that we are able to create a network to support our students in their endeavors.
If you are interested in collaborating with our program, please email ARC at
Current students - Apply Here:
- CSM BOND ISA Application
- MASS Peer Mentoring Website