Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Our environment is under enormous stress. The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is a multidisciplinary department that recognizes the urgency of the challenges, and the enormous opportunities that may lead to transformative change. We have award-winning faculty in climate science, biodiversity, environmental policy, land use, and community outreach – all driven by a collective interest in our environmental future. Students are encouraged to join our faculty in their research.
Student Experience
Research Highlight
Our Research Opportunities
Name | Area |
Dr. Mara Brady | Sedimentology & Stratigraphy, Taphonomy, Quantitative Stratigraphic Methods, Paleobiology |
Dr. Robert Dundas | Paleontology, Faunal Analysis, Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy, Mass Extinctions, Quaternary Mammals. |
Dr. Aric Mine | Biogeochemistry, Environmental Science, Geobiology. |
Dr. Christopher J. Pluhar | Engineering and Environmental Geology (especially landslides); Tectonics; Paleomagnetism; Geochronology. |
Dr. Keith Putirka | California wildfires and forest management, mantle melting and volcanic plumbing systems; mineral-melt equilibria, with applications to barometry and thermometry of igneous processes. |
Dr. Mathieu Richaud | Paleoceanography, global biogeochemical cycles, micropaleontology (foraminifera). |
Dr. John Wakabayashi | Tectonics, Structural Geology, Geomorphology, Metamorphic Petrology, Engineering and Environmental Geology. |
Dr. Zhi (Luke) Wang | Surface and subsurface hydrology, contaminant hydrogeology, water resources and irrigation engineering, watershed modeling, GIS. |
Dr. Beth Weinman | Fluvial and Deltaic Quaternary Geology, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Soil Formation, and Optical Luminescence Geochronology. |
The EES Department's research facilities and equipment mainly includes:
- Malvern MasterSizer 3000 Particle Size Analyzer
- Panalytical X'Pert Pro XRD
- Rigaku Primus IV XRF
- Hydrologeology lab
- Sample preparation lab
- Electronic mapping lab
- Fully equipped distance learning instructional lab
- Microscope equipment for petrography study
- Thin Section preparation lab
- Column Leaching Equipment for solute transport experiments
- Paleomagnetism lab (Agico JR6 spinner magnetometer, Applied Physics single axis 280mT alternating field demagnetizer, Schoenstedt thermal demagnetizer and peripherals)
- MiniTrase TDR for soil moisture measurement
- CR5000 datalogger for simultaneous measurements of up to 5,000 sources
- EZ Chem analyzer for water quality analysis
- LISST-portable laser particle size analyzer (Sequoia Scientific, Inc.)
- WP4-T DewPoint PotentiaMeter
- Quelph Infiltrometer for field test of infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity
- Field vehicles and trailers, etc.
- Geophysical survey equipment (Sensors and Software PulseEKKO GPR, ERT, Seismic Refraction)
- Trimble GNSS GPS
- Mavic Phantom Pro Drone