Advising and Resources Center
Career Exploration
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Career Exploration
Deciding on a major is an important decision. By choosing a major that fits with your interests, values, personality, and circumstances, you are more likely to enjoy the classes you take, feel academically challenged, and be motivated to succeed in your degree!
Most students come in to college undecided about their major and their future. In fact, 50-70% of undergraduate students change their major at least once, with most changing at least 3 times prior to graduation. This means that it is OK to be curious and explore all of your options when it comes to choosing a major and a future career path.
Fresno State Career Services counselors can help you with exploring careers and choosing a major through helpful assessments, online resources, and experience-based opportunities. Contact a Career Counselor at 559.278.2381 to schedule an appointment to begin your exploration!
Science Careers
The links below offer a wide range of information with which to explore careers in science. These online resources provide salary and employment data, demographics, statistics, online applications, and additional links to professional organizations and services.
Careers in the Biological Sciences - American Institute of Biological Sciences publications, public policy, education, peer review, public programs, and membership. (
Careers in Chemistry - American Chemical Society meetings, membership, careers, education, Journals, and Symposium Series. (
Careers in Computer Science - Career Pathways in Computer Science - Computing disciplines and majors, what computer professionals do (, and FAQ's. (v
Careers in Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) - CSU Fresno, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences website with listing of job search sites. (
Careers in Geology - Data/reports, Geosciences careers, students and departments, classified ads, related sites and the American Geological Institute (AGI). (
Careers in Mathematics – Career profiles, classifieds, as well as information on the Mathematical Association of America. ( (
Careers in Physics - Careers in physics, career guidance, physics job opportunities, publications, and American Physical Society membership. ( (
Careers in Psychology - Job listings, student aid/internships, diversity resources and programs, career tips, graduate student information, and additional resources. (