Advising and Resources Center
Pre-Health Professional
Explore Careers in the Health Professions
The links provided below offer a broad range of information with which to explore careers in the health professions. These online resources provide salary and employment data, demographics, statistics, online applications and additional links to health professional opportunities, organizations, and services.
- Healthcare Practitioner and Technical Occupations -
Includes salary, demographics, and a wide variety of data on health professional careers. - Explore Health Careers - Use career explorer tabs on the left side of this web page to explore details of a variety of healthcare careers.
- American Medical Association - Information can be found here on a variety of health career professions.
- National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) - Links to various health professional websites and health professional organizations.
- Application service websites - Application service to a wide range of health professions,
including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc. Includes application
deadlines. - Cal-SEARCH Program - Provides opportunities for health-professional students and residents to gain clinical experience.
Allied Health Careers
This section provides links to Allied Health Careers information pertaining to clinical and administrative healthcare professions such as physician’s assistant, clinical laboratory scientist, physical and occupational therapist, public health professional, and rehabilitation counselor. Allied health professionals work closely with doctors and nurses to provide diagnostic, technical, and therapeutic services to patients.
American Medical Association's Careers in Health Care - Career descriptions, employment characteristics, salary, educational programs, and credentialing for Allied Health and Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Therapies.