College of Science and Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics Strategic Plan
- Focus on Student Learning and Success
- Create High Quality and Innovative Academic Programs
- Advance Knowledge through Research and Collaboration
- Support Faculty and Staff Achievement
- Improve CSM Visibility and Stature on Campus and in the Community
- Build a Cohesive CSM Campus/Department Community
- Promote Diversity of Faculty, Staff and Students
- Expand Engagement with Alumni, Friends, and other External Stakeholders
- Improve and Diversify Resource Support
The College of Science and Mathematics provides high quality and innovative educational programs in the natural sciences including biology, chemistry, computer science, earth and environmental sciences, mathematics, physics, and psychology, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Through these programs, we provide a strong scientific and mathematical foundation for all students at Fresno State, through general education and our majors. The College provides students with research opportunities, internships, and field- or community-based experiences to train them in science and mathematics and to prepare them to be responsible and contributing members of society. Our students enter exciting industrial careers; pursue doctoral degrees and research careers; become K-12 and community college teachers; enter health professions such as dentistry, medicine, psychology, and pharmacy; conduct environmental research; and work for local, state, and federal agencies. We are committed to contributing to the educational and scientific vibrancy of the Central Valley and value the diverse experiences, backgrounds, and cultures of our students, faculty, and staff. Our faculty, students, and graduates promote regional progress through research on important issues and community collaboration. Together with our partners in the community, we strive to achieve the highest level of educational excellence to meet the 21st century challenges of our region, state, and nation.
Family believes in you, even when you doubt yourself. Family tells you to dream big, while reminding you that it will take hard work. Family is there for you. You will come here to learn and our family will help you discover yourself and realize your dreams. We will help you find your path in life.
We are bigger than you think, in more ways than one. We are devoted teachers, active researchers, caring advisors, and strong supporters. We work side-by-side with you in the classroom, in research labs, and in the community. We take hundreds of students into our laboratories and out into the field, to research conferences and to teach children, because real world experience matters.
There is a diversity here that makes us strong. We care about you as a person, not just as a student. It's about more than science and math. We will help you influence our valley, our state, our nation, our world. But don't take our word for it. We are measured by the success of our graduates, the research they do, the companies they start, the students they teach, the patients they heal, and the differences they make in their communities.
We are unified by devotion to the principles of science and mathematics. The people you will meet here will shape the rest of your life. Your being here makes us better, and it will make you better too. That is the point. People keep in touch with us for generations, and we invite you to be part of the next one.
Goal 1: Focus on Student Learning and Success – The college will promote the success of all students, particularly underrepresented minority (URM) students, emphasizing data driven and research-based strategies to deepen student learning and improve student retention, graduation and career placement.
- Incorporate more high impact practices into College programs including undergraduate research, service learning, learning communities, senior capstone experiences and active learning pedagogies.
- Increase number of redesigned courses that improve student learning and success, and develop sustainable support mechanisms to sustain them.
- Improve student advising and support services through the new Advising and Resource Center (ARC).
- Improve partnerships with on campus offices such as the Learning Center and Career Center to leverage campus resources important for student success.
- Increase the number of courses utilizing supplemental instruction resources.
- Address remedial math needs of all students, but particularly for CSM students; address remedial English needs of CSM students.
- Continue to provide opportunities for presentations by students at professional meetings and/or in-class.
- Increase ratio of tenure-track faculty to part time faculty to improve student learning and success.
Goal 2: Create High Quality and Innovative Academic Programs - The college will provide rigorous, high quality, innovative academic programs with an emphasis on a field based and/or applied curriculum relevant to regional and global issues.
- Build new and expand existing distinctive undergraduate programs, such as biomedical physics, applied behavior analysis, petroleum geology; and, graduate programs, such as water resources management, school psychology, biotechnology and other professional science master’s degrees.
- Ensure all academic programs are relevant to the context and issues of the valley through engagement with external stakeholders, such as clinical laboratory sciences, dual degree programs in the health professions and other health professions pipeline programs.
- Engage in regular and meaningful outcomes assessment activities that ensure in-depth undergraduate and graduate program reviews and resulting high quality action plans for program improvement.
- Increase number of honors programs and/or create a college-wide program.
- Ensure students have access to modern teaching facilities and hands-on experiences using evidence-based teaching methods and up-to-date equipment.
- Create and expand programs that will improve the quality of and support for admitted graduate students.
Goal 3: Advance Knowledge through Research and Collaboration The College will promote scholarly research and collaborations that engage our undergraduate and graduate students and address regional issues with global applications.
- Ensure adequate assigned time support to faculty for active research with students, writing grant proposals, publishing papers, and developing collaborations.
- Increase number of external grant awards to improve support for faculty time, staff support, student funding, equipment and facilities.
- Strengthen collaborations and partnerships between departments, other colleges at Fresno State as well as with other universities and agencies.
- Increase number of research publications, especially those with student authors.
- Develop a sustainable mechanism for funding and staff support of equipment maintenance and operation of major research instrumentation.
- Ensure adequate research space for active research faculty, including possible renovations and new research spaces.
- Implement a model for distribution of returned indirect funds that will advance research and provide incentive to faculty researchers.
- Allocate space for faculty research labs such that each active research faculty member has access to laboratory space; take advantage of new Jordan Research Center facilities.
Goal 4: Support Faculty and Staff Achievement – The College will provide an environment where faculty and staff can achieve their professional goals and help the College achieve its goals.
- Recognize faculty and staff achievements through various news and social media outlets managed by the College and the University.
- Improve mentoring program for faculty, especially probationary and associate professors.
- Continue to provide support for faculty professional development for both research and teaching, including financial support as well as development of programs such as workshops and learning communities.
- Continue to provide support for staff professional development.
- Encourage collegial interactions for a supportive work environment; ensure everyone has a healthy and positive work environment.
- Create College awards for excellence in teaching & mentoring, research for faculty and service for faculty and staff.
Goal 5: Improve CSM Visibility and Stature on Campus and in the Community - The College willstrive to make the accomplishments of the College well known to faculty staff and administrators on campus as well as to alumni, industry and community members.
- Increase number of presentations given by faculty and students (research and public interest) in the community, regionally and nationally.
- Increase participation by faculty as judges in local science fairs.
- Expand outreach and recruitment of students in K-12, including hosting summer camps, field days, campus-based science events and other community service events, including the planetarium.
- Continue to regularly publish CSM "Elements" magazine with contributions/stories from each department and sponsorships from alumni and friends of the College.
- Create a CSM news and social media plan to promote achievements, research and campus activities/events.
- Update and maintain College websites and social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn).
- Reach out to local industry and organizations to provide internship and employment
opportunities for students.
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Goal 6: Build a Cohesive CSM Campus/Department Community – The College will strive to strengthen relationships between faculty, staff and students within the College and create a sense of unity across the College.
- Hold regular College events including an annual CSM-wide graduation ceremony, biannual assemblies, staff retreats, staff potlucks, research presentations and social events.
- Continue to support Café Scientifique and work to increase its visibility in the community.
- Host regular events for faculty across CSM departments to stay in touch with each other’s research interests and skills.
- Continue to host a series of events at the end of the academic year, including at the department level, where students, staff, faculty and families can celebrate student accomplishments.
Goal 7: Promote Diversity of Faculty, Staff and Students – The College will enhance and advance a culture that understands that diversity, equity and inclusion are hallmarks of institutional success as articulated in the University’s Strategic Plan for Inclusion, Respect and Equity (ASPIRE).
- Increase the number of programs that promote access and success of underrepresented minority (URM) and women students, such as research opportunities, student support programs and mentoring.
- Improve outreach, recruitment and development activities to improve faculty and staff diversity in applicant pools and hires.
- Promote and support teaching methods, educational programs and other CSM activities that address diversity and inclusive excellence.
- Improve graduate student recruitment efforts with a focus on underrepresented minorities and women.
- Expand international student enrollment in both undergraduate and graduate programs; explore creation of new international 2+2, 3+1 or 1+1 programs.
- Provide College coordination for sending representatives to SACNAS, ABRCMS, AISES, etc.
- Create an environment that affirms a culture of inclusion, respect and equity.
Goal 8: Expand Engagement with Alumni, Friends, and other External Stakeholders – The College will engage with our alumni, friends and external stakeholders such that they are aware of and involved with activities within the College and they can provide advice and feedback to the College.
- Continue to host annual CSM Homecoming and Alumni Open House events.
- Continue to publish “Elements” Magazine.
- Provide Alumni recognition and receptions at professional organization meetings.
- Increase use of Social Networking tools such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to engage the community; create a YouTube channel to share courseware or talks with Alumni and friends.
- Establish an advisory board for the college.
- Offer educational certificate programs through Continuing and Global Education for community members, alumni and non-degree students in partnership with local industry and other organizations.
- Increase resource sharing with alumni and local community including research equipment and facilities.
- Improve tracking and engagement of CSM alumni through regional and statewide events.
Goal 9: Improve and Diversify Resource Support – Recognizing limited State support, the College will seek additional financial and in-kind support from a diversity of public and private sources to support our programs.
- Continue to “make the case” to obtain CSM’s share of state funding.
- Increase external grant awards for research, equipment and educational innovation.
- Identify and pursue opportunities for industry and foundation support for College programs, students, research and equipment.
- Develop a robust alumni, industry and friends network that can be leveraged to support CSM goals.
- Increase annual giving by alumni and friends.
- Develop a “needs list” for potential donors including plans for facility renovations and new space; publicize list on website and in Elements magazine.