Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions
Winter Grant Development Workshops
As part of the RIMI faculty development component, a week-long NIH Grantwriting Workshop was offered to selected faculty (based on a competitive application process) during Winter break. (January 2,3,5,6,7,8) The workshops covered the basics of Pre/Post-award processes on our campus, an NIH Overview, as well as preparing the proposal narrative and other components of an NIH application. Other topics at the workshops included Human Subjects Compliance and Power Analysis and a "fun" workshop on how to maintain your sanity while preparing a proposal. Faculty and staff conducted the week-long workshops.
Thursday, 1/2/2014 Presentations
- Workshop 1a – Pre-Award at Fresno State (Nancy Myers Sims, ORSP)
- Workshop 1b – Post Award at Fresno State (Nancy Gomez/Linda Christian)
- Workshop 2 – BIZFLOW (Maral Kismetian, ORSP)
- Workshop 3 – How to Preserve Your Sanity while Writing a Grant Application (Dr. Lorin Lachs, Psychology)
Friday, 1/3/2014 Presentations
- Workshop 4 – NIH Overview/Finding Funding at NIH (Nancy Myers Sims)
- Workshop 5 – application; eRA Commons
- Workshop 6 – Budgeting: How much will it Cost? What is allowable?(Nancy Myers Sims)
Monday, 1/6/2014 Presentations
- Workshop 7 – Preparing Your NIH Biosketch (Nancy Myers Sims)
- Workshop 8 – Preparing a Competitive NIH Proposal Narrative: Specific Aims and Research Strategies (Dr. Ellen Shimakawa)
Tuesday, 1/7/2014 Presentation
Wednesday, 1/8/2014 Presentation
- Workshop 10 - Power Analysis ( Dr. Ronald Yockey)