Downing Planetarium
Downing Planetarium Shows
Listed by Appropriate Grade Level
* Our recommendations
All Ages, November-December
- *Season of Light
- *The Great Space Treasure Hunt Larry Cat in Space
- *The Great Space Treasure Hunt
- *Larry Cat in Space
1st Grade
- Bear Tales
- *The Great Space Treasure Hunt
- *Larry Cat in Space
- Welcome to the Universe/Daughter of the Stars
2nd Grade
- *Bear Tales
- The Case of the Disappearing Planet
- The Great Space Treasure Hunt
- Larry Cat in Space
- *Welcome to the Universe/Daughter of the Stars
3rd Grade
- Bear Tales
- The Case of the Disappearing Planet
- Destination: Pluto
- Dragon Skies
- *Honey, I Shrunk the Solar System
- Stella: Adventures of a Black Hole
- *Welcome to the Universe/Daughter of the Stars
4th Grade
- Blown Away: The Wild World of Weather
- *The Case of the Disappearing Planet
- Destination: Pluto
- Dinosaurs
- Dragon Skies
- *Honey, I Shrunk the Solar System
- The Stargazer
- Stella: Adventures of a Black Hole
- Two Small Pieces of Glass
- *Welcome to the Universe/Daughter of the Stars
- The Wright Way to Fly
5th Grade
- Bad Astronomy
- *Blown Away: The Wild World of Weather
- The Case of the Disappearing Planet
- Destination: Pluto
- Dinosaurs
- Dragon Skies
- The Endless Horizon
- Explorers of Mauna Kea
- *Honey, I Shrunk the Solar System
- *MarsQuest
- Moonbound 2020
- RingWorld
- Spirits from the Sky: Thunder on the Land
- The Stargazer
- *Stella: Adventures of a Black Hole
- *Two Small Pieces of Glass
- Women in Astronomy
- The Wright Way to Fly
6th Grade
- Bad Astronomy
- *Blown Away: The Wild World of Weather
- The Case of the Disappearing Planet
- *Destination: Pluto
- Dinosaurs
- *Dragon Skies
- *The Endless Horizon
- Explorers of Mauna Kea
- Honey, I Shrunk the Solar System
- In Search of New Worlds
- *MarsQuest
- Midnight's Canvas
- Moonbound 2020
- Oceans in Space
- *The Planets
- RingWorld
- *Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico
- Spirits from the Sky: Thunder on the Land
- The Stargazer
- Stella: Adventures of a Black Hole
- *Two Small Pieces of Glass
- *Welcome to the Universe/Stardate: Ancient Horizons
- Women in Astronomy
- The Wright Way to Fly
Junior High
- *Bad Astronomy
- Blown Away: The Wild World of Weather
- *The Endless Horizon
- Explorers of Mauna Kea
- Hubble Vision
- In Search of New Worlds
- *MarsQuest
- Midnight's Canvas
- Moonbound 2020
- Oceans in Space
- *The Planets
- *RingWorld
- *Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico
- Spirits from the Sky: Thunder on the Land
- The Stargazer
- Two Small Pieces of Glass
- Welcome to the Universe/Stardate: Ancient Horizons
- Women in Astronomy
- The Wright Way to Fly
High School
- *Bad Astronomy
- *The Endless Horizon
- Explorers of Mauna Kea
- Hubble Vision
- In Search of New Worlds
- *MarsQuest
- Midnight's Canvas
- Moonbound 2020
- Oceans in Space
- *The Planets
- *RingWorld
- Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico
- Women in Astronomy
- The Wright Way to Fly
- Bad Astronomy
- The Endless Horizon
- Hubble Vision
- In Search of New Worlds
- MarsQuest
- Midnight's Canvas
- Moonbound 2020
- Oceans in Space
- The Planets
- RingWorld
- Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico
- Women in Astronomy