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Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation


Interested in the sciences such as: Agriculture, biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics or physics? Besides providing basic information on such careers, the purpose of LSAMP is to assist current or prospective Fresno State students in the academic path to achieve their goals through advising and the locating of a science advisor on campus.

It is required that all program students meet with their faculty advisor at least once per academic year and complete the Faculty Academic Advising Form, but it is HIGHLY recommended that you meet your advisor each semester.

Download the Faculty Advising Verification Form

Submit your advising verification form to the LSAMP Office once you and your advisor have signed it.

 Emilio's Last Day

 *CSU-LSAMP is funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant #HRD-1302873 and the Chancellor's Office of the California State University.