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Keck Computational Science Center

How to Setup Your Network to Enable Internet Access


1. First of all login to Cloud Stack web portal using your credentials. Once you are successfully login to CloudStack, you will see the Dashboard screen similar to the screen shown below. To set the network configuration for the virtual machine, click on the network tab on the left side in the vertical menu (as shown in the rectangle box). After clicking the Network tab, you will see all the networks. Select the desired network by clicking on the network name as shown in the below example.

2. Once you click on the network name as shown in the above screen, the screen shown below will appear. Then click on the "View IP Addresses" button.


3. Now, you will see the IP address of the virtual machine. Click on the IP address of the virtual machine as shown in the below screen.


4. Then Click on the configuration button, you will get the screen similar to below screen. In this screen we are going to set the Firewall setting and port forwarding setting.



5. Let us firstly setup the firewall setting: click on the view all button as shown in the above screen. The below screen will appear. Then set the following values, Source CIDR as, Protocol as TCP, Start port as 22 and End port as 22 as shown in the below screen. Then click on the "Add" button. Once added you will see the image like below.



6. Set the port forwarding configuration: click on the IP address shown in the top panel in the below screen (Do not click the back button of the browser; otherwise you have to navigate again to reach this screen). Then click on the "View All" button on the port forwarding setting as shown above in the step 4. Then set the private port as 22 and public port as 22. If you are using some other port number, you need to mention that port number. Then click on the add VM button and the setting will be added as shown below. Then you will be asked to select the instance that you want this rule to be applied on.


port forwarding


port forwarding1


port forwarding2


7. Now go back to the networks tab on the left side bar and select your network again. Click on the "egress" tab set source CIDR to and select protocol to "All" then click add. Should look something like the images below if it was added properly.

Egress rule


Egress rule1


8. To test whether the setting in working properly or not: Open the putty tool and enter the IP address of your virtual machine and enter the port number, then click on the open button.

How to Setup Your Network to Enable Internet Access-step-8



9. After click the open button in the above screen, you will get a similar screen if you connect your CentOS 5.6 instance. It will ask for the username and password for the Virtual machine. By default, the username is "root" and password is "password". Given your correct credential, you will be able to login successfully and you will get the virtual machine shell prompt. Now we are ready to use the virtual Machine. Don't forget to change your root's password at the first!

How to Setup Your Network to Enable Internet Access-step-9