Biomedical Physics Program
Alternative Format
Home - Animation with a seed implantation and growth into a plant describing the undergraduate biomedical physics program
What is Medical Physics? 12 pics sliding showing different applications of physics with a couple of quotes.
Radiation Oncology 11 pics sliding animation showing the application of radiation therapy with a linear accelerator
Radiation Oncology - Right Animation - CT of head and neck images for treatment planning
Nuclear Medicine 11 pics sliding animation of different applications of Nuclear Medicine including SPECT and bone densitometry
Diagnostic Radiology 6 pics sliding animation of x-rays, with contrast, CT and 3 D rendered images of different parts of the human anatomy
Magnetic Resonance 7 pics sliding animation of T1, T2, PDW, angiography and gated MRI images of different parts of the human anatomy
Magnetic Resonance - Flash movie of a sagittal MRI view of the brain from the outside left thru' the brain to the outside right.
Health Physics - 15 pics sliding animation of administration and measurement of dose during an O-15 water PET study.